
Friday, March 9, 2012

Kenya’s Heroine: Tegla Chepkite Loroupe

The Marathon Queen
Yesterday Kenyans joined the rest of the world to mark the International Women’s Day. We are all proud of our mothers, sisters, and daughters who make this nation great. This inspired me to write about one heroine who has changed the lives of many Kenyans and brought glory to Kenya. Tegla Loroupe the jewel born in Kutomwony, West Pokot and glittered every part of the world she stepped. Her success as an athlete has been remarkable dating back to 1994 and has held numerous world records.
 Loroupe in the London Marathon
Loroupe committed herself to bring peace among the conflicting communities of Karamojang, Sebei, Pokot, Marakwet and Turkana with her Peace Foundation. The Foundation organizes sports events such as the famous annual Tegla Loroupe Peace Race. The Peace race has not only fostered peace in the area but has been a breeding ground for future Kenya athletes. Loroupe has also been championing for the rights of women and girls and has a school which is still under construction. The school, Tegla Loroupe Peace Academy is expected to admit orphans affected by the violence in cattle-rustling areas of Southern Sudan, North-west Kenya, and Eastern Uganda.
Loroupe has many honors to her illustrative including being the first African woman to win the New York marathon and holds 20, 25, and 30 kilometers world records. Loroupe has also served in capacity of a United Nations Ambassador of Sport.

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