
Saturday, September 22, 2012

The Star Unveils Citizen-Reporting App

A screenshot of the Star Reports 

Kenya’s fastest growing national newspaper, The Star has launched the first Citizen Journalism mobile application in Kenya, similar to CNN’s iReport.    
The new android-based app dubbed ‘Star Reports’ will allow Smartphone users capture news through pictures, videos, and audio-recordings before transmitting them to the mainstream media.
Dickens Olewe, Star Reports Project Leader explained, “Star Reports is our answer to the question of whether collaboration between traditional media and citizens is possible. In a three step process the user can sign up, create, and share their story.”

About The App
Star Reports is a project that was initiated last year with a grant from the World Association of Newspapers through the Mobile News in Africa Project to implement a citizen journalism mobile application project.

The App Description
Star Reports is an open platform that allows citizens to report/create and share news and events in real time from their mobile devices.
Star Reports enables citizens take pictures and type short stories on their mobile devices. Stories will be transmitted from the mobile devices to a centralized content management system for processing by journalists and editors and dissemination to other citizens.
The newspaper has also disclosed that the app will be available in other platforms such as IOS and Symbian in the subsequent release of other versions.

The Android app can be downloaded free from Google Play Store.

“Everyone has inside of him a piece of good news. The good news is that you don't know how great you can be! How much you can love! What you can accomplish! And what your potential is!” – Anne Frank

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