
Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Bildad Kaggia: The Struggle for Freedom & Justice

A book giving a detailed account of activities of the Kenya African Union (KAU), the freedom movement, Mau Mau and Kenya's first government is in bookstores.

Titled 'The Struggle for Freedom and Justice', the biography of the late freedom fighter Bildad Kaggia was launched on Saturday at the Kaggia Mausoleum.

The book was written by the late Kaggia, his son Mwaganu Kaggia (deceased) and a Dutch researcher, Wiegert de Leeuw with Transafrica Press taking up the publishing. Former Gichugu MP Martha Karua wrote the forward.

Bildad Mwaganu Kaggia was among the famous Kapenguria Six consisting of Jomo Kenyatta, Achieng’ Oneko, Paul Ngei, Kung’u Karumba and Fred Kubai. He died on March 7, 2005 aged 84 years.

The book retails at Ksh 1,700 with all proceeds going to the Kaggia Foundation.

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