
Friday, March 29, 2013

Interim Committee to Oversee Sports Kenya Unveiled

Youth Affairs and Sports minister Ababu Namwamba has unveiled an interim management committee that will oversee the formation of Sports Kenya (SK) in compliance with clause 2 of the fourth schedule of the Sport Act 2012.

The twelve member committee, to serve for a period not exceeding a year, will set up structures for transition of sports functions and properties from Sports Stadia Management Board (SSMB) and the Department of Sports to Sports Kenya in line with the recently enacted Sports Act.

The committee will comprise of Permanent Secretary Ministry of Youth Affairs and Sports James Waweru, Commissioner of Sports Gordon Oluoch, Francis .K. Paul secretary general of National Olympic Committee of Kenya (NOC-K), Kenya Rugby Union (KRU) chairman Mwangi Muthee, David Okeyo secretary General of Athletics Kenya (AK), SSMB CEO Gabriel Komora, John Njogu senior principal state Counsel, Omulo Okoth as media representative, Katwa Kigen as an advocate, Benedict Omillo, Francis Michuki and Yolanda Anderson.

Illustrious lawyer Katwa Kigen will chair the committee while Oluoch will take the secretary task.

The outgoing sports minister also appointed a 16-member National Youth Council that will serve for a period of three years with effect from December 10, 2012.

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