
Friday, February 24, 2012

Kenya's Hall of Famers

Hall of Famers

Kenya has a place in the Guinness World Records Book. Beginning with its spectacular wildlife and its people, Kenyans are great people with exceptional will in doing what they do. The Guinness book attests to Kenya being an outstanding nation.
Here are the records
Fastest primate, the fastest primate in the world is Patas monkey, which can reach top speeds of 55 km/h. The speed was measured in Kenya.
November 29-30, 1986. Largest bird count in 24 hours, this moment was experienced by three Kenyans; Andy Roberts, Terry Stevenson and John Fanshawe.
1987. Largest present-day war hospital, Lopiding hospital in Lokichogio, Kenya. The hospital has a capacity of 560 beds starting with 40 beds. The hospital has treated more than seventeen thousand victims of civil war in neighbouring Sudan.
August 25, 1992. Cow milking – by hand, Joseph Love of Kilifi Plantation Ltd, milked 531 litres from 30 dairy cows.
Our athletes also have their names in the hall of fame.
1998. Fastest 3000 metres run, Daniel Komen in 7min: 24sec: 90.
2000. Fastest 20000 metres run,Tegla Loroupe in 1hr:05min:26sec:60.
2002. Fastest 25000 metres run,Tegla Loroupe in 1hr:27min:05sec:90.
2003. Fastest 30000 metres run, Tegla Loroupe in 1hr: 45min: 50sec: 00.
2003. Fastest marathon, Paul Tergat in 2hr: 04min: 55sec.
2004. Oldest person to begin primary school, Kimani Ng’ang’a Maruge aged 84.
May 2004. Fastest 25 km run, Paul Kosgei in 1hr: 12min: 43sec.
2005. Fastest road relay, Kenyan team in 1hr: 57min: 06sec.
2006. Fastest 4 by 800 metres relay run, Kenyan team (William Yampoy, Wilfred Bungei, Joseph Mutua and Ismael Kombich) in 7min: 02 sec: 43.
2007. World’s Fastest 10k race, Hillary Kimaiyo in 26min: 01sec: 2.
2007. Fastest half marathon, Samuel Wanjiru in 58min: 53sec.
2011. Largest number of people washing hands, Lifebuoy and Ecotat Kenya organized the event in Thirime Primary School bringing together 19352 participants.
March 2011. Limbo dancing, Kate Kibugi (Sarakasi Trust dancer) she remarkably passed under a bar balanced at a height of 20cm.
Adapted from Guinness World Records 2008 edition, Spira “Defy the Ban” 10k and Breaking World Records 2011.

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