
Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Visa opens office in Nairobi

Global payment network, Visa has officially opened an office in Nairobi that will serve the sub-Saharan region and cover 20 countries.
5 million Kenya’s are currently using Visa cards with particular interest in debit cards compared to credit cards. Visa which is the most widely used card in the world, enjoys 25 client banks in the country.
According to Visa Group President of Asia Pacific, Central Europe, Middle East and Africa (APCEMEA), Elizabeth Buse, Visa has plans to provide reliable financial services to the region and particularly to the unbanked people who comprise of over 12 million according to CBK statistics.
Visa is making efforts to innovate using mobile payment solutions and coming up with stringent measures to combat the increased cases of fraud using its cards.
Kenya is a robust financial hub and Visa hopes to generate $14 million in revenue by the year 2015.


  1. where is the exact location of the office

  2. Am not sure but you can contact visa CEMEA via askvisacemea(at)visa(dot)com


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