
Wednesday, September 12, 2012

KNICE Kenya Website launched

Justice and Constitutional Affairs Minister Eugene Wamalwa officially launched the Kenya National Integrated Civic Education (K-NICE) Programme website earlier today.
The online portal, will allow Kenyans access Civic Education on the Constitution besides acting as a database for K-NICE civic education materials and events.
Ordinary Kenyans will now be able to discuss issues on Constitution of Kenya by reading the available resources on the informative website (loaded with Blogs, YouTube Channel, Articles, Forums, Cartoons/Illustrations, Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ), E-books, and Thematic Guides) as well as allowing interaction through the discussion of issues on social media via K-NICE Facebook and Twitter pages among others.
The online platform will also provide opportunity for the public to target questions on the Constitution directly to K-NICE secretariat members.

About the KNICE Programme
The Kenya National Integrated Civic Education (K-NICE) Programme is the initiative of the Government of Kenya in collaboration with Non-state actors to develop a nationally owned and sustainable programme of civic education.
The programme objectives include:
J        Ensuring sustainable information and awareness on the Constitution, its principles, structures and processes
J        Enabling citizens to actively engage the government and governmental processes as civic duty
J        Inculcating a culture of adherence to the constitution amongst government agencies, and Non-state actors and individuals
J        Developing a culture of constitutionalism, respect for the rule of law and public engagement
J        Fostering a system that ensures governmental responsiveness to its citizens and citizens responsibility for keeping the government in check

Visit and follow on twitter @KniceKenya for a two-way dialogue in civic education
Adapted from KNICE 

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