
Sunday, September 2, 2012

Sh3 billion PALWECO project launched in Busia County

Kenyan farmers preparing fields 

A 3 billion-shilling project dubbed Programmes for Agriculture and Livelihoods in Western Kenya Communities (PALWECO) was officially launched on Friday at the Busia Municipal Stadium in a ceremony graced by Prime Minister Raila Odinga.
The project, which is funded by the Government of Kenya and the Finnish Government, has received the official nod to start its operations in Busia County, with the Finnish Government expected to cater for 90 percent of its funding.   
Statistics show that Busia currently has a poverty index of 66 percent, where majority live under US$100 with one meal a day.
The PM said that the project will increase average households income in Busia from Sh1,239 to Sh8,000 by 2006, through sustainable agriculture initiatives.
“It’s our desire to use this initiative to tackle food shortages, caused by postharvest losses, as well as addressing the problem of sale of food at low prices to middlemen, out of desperation by farmers at harvest time,” he added.
The deputy ambassador of Finland Eeva Alarcon urged officers of the County to ensure the roll out of the PALWECO project benefits all residents in the 7 districts that include Busia, Butula, Samia, Nambala, Bunyala, Teso South and Teso North.
The Premier ended by calling on African Countries to embrace the G8’s New Alliance for Food Security and Nutrition in order to advocate the injection of private capital and technology to African Agriculture.

Photo Courtesy of 

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