
Monday, September 3, 2012

StarTimes to replace Smart TV, GTV decoders

StarTimes offers a better option of disposing off those old Smart TV and GTV Decoders

The battle for the Pay-TV segment is set to intensify as the latest entrant Star Times moved to grow its subscriber base by taking over subscribers that were abandoned by GTV and Smart TV.

The company said it would replace decoders that GTV and Smart TV subscribers had been using before the two firms shipped out under unclear circumstances, leaving their customers high and dry and with obsolete gadgets.

Star Times, which holds a license for distribution of digital TV signals, said it would take up the ex-GTV and Smart TV customers at no cost but on condition they pay an upfront 2-month subscription fee of between Sh3,000 and Sh5,000. The two firms had a combined subscriber base of about 50,000 subscribers.

Read the Original Article: StarTimes to replace GTV, SmartTV decoders by Standard’s MachariaKamau   

Related Post: StarTimes enters the Kenyan PayTV Market 

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