
Monday, February 25, 2013

The Vagina Monologues by Eve Ensler Set for 28 Feb

Date: Thursday, February 28, 2013
Venue: Michael Joseph Centre (Safaricom House) Waiyaki Road
Time: 6.30 pm
Charges: Kshs 2000.

Available at the following outlets:

  • Vivo at the Junction Mall (Ground Floor near The ArtCaffe)
  • Bookstop at Yaya Centre (2nd Floor)
  • The Sarit Centre Information Desk (Ground Floor)
  • MPesa to 0707 305365 (Your ticket will be kept for you at the door).
Ticket proceeds go to WRAP* – The Women’s Rights Awareness Programme.

Performances by:

Pinky Ghelani, Savane Kemoli, Aleya Kassam, Lorna Irungu, Wanuri Kahiu, June Gachui, Patricia Kihoro, Suzanne Gachukia, Mumbi Kaigwa, Kaz, Patricia Amira, Mkamzee Chao Mwatela, Seroun Wang’ombe, Njeri (Cathi) Ngugi, Lorna Dias, Hawa Essuman, Chichi Seii, Mo Pearson

Brought to you by The V-Day Nairobi Committee and the Arts Canvas.

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