
Saturday, April 27, 2013

2013 Millennium Development Goals Awards Winners

Kenya Red Cross award for MDG1 for its contribution in Eradicating Extreme Poverty & Hunger
The 2013 Millennium Development Goals Awards took place yesterday evening at the Crowne Plaza - Upper hill.

Several individuals and institutions were recognized for their outstanding contributions in driving the achievement of the eight MDG goals through their core programmes.

The Kenya Red Cross was awarded the  MDG1 for its contribution in Eradicating Extreme Poverty & Hunger as well as the MDG3 for Reducing child mortality rates and MDG7 Ensuring Environmental Sustainability award.

Other award winners 

Amiran Kenya - MDG Champion of the Year Award
KTN Kenya - Special Award for Awareness through TV
Citizen Tv's Shamba Shape Up - Special Award for Awareness through TV
Nation Media Group - Special Award for Awareness through Print Media
MediaMax's Kameme FM - Special Award for Awareness through Radio
The  Media Council of Kenya - MDG Special Award for Media
World Vision - Overall Programme Lifetime Achievement Award
Charter Chemicals Magadi Ltd - MDG2 Achieving Universal Primary Education
The National Aids Control Council - MDG6 Combating HIV/AIDS, malaria and other diseases
AMREF's Child & Reproductive Health Programme - MDG5 Improving maternal Health
Gertrude's Children Hospital - MDG3 Reducing child mortality rates
The Kenya Private Sector Alliance (KEMSA) - Special Award on Youth Empowerment
Dr. Isaac Kalua - Distinguished Service

Second Places
Amiran Kenya - MDG1 Eradicating Extreme Poverty & Hunger
Meru District Committee - MDG2 Achieving Universal Primary Education
Muthaa Community Development Foundation- MDG6 Combating HIV/AIDS, malaria and other diseases
 Muthaa Community Development Foundation - MDG5 Improving maternal Health

In the inaugural awards held at the National Museum of Kenya, Royal Media Services and Amiran Kenya were feted with MDG Media Award and MDG1 to eradicate extreme poverty and hunger award respectively.

About the Awards 
MDG Awards is an annual celebration of the achievements of the government of Kenya, development partners, private sectors, NGOs and individuals across the country. Its objective is to encourage participation in the set UN Millennium Development Goals by recognizing and celebrating exemplary performers and outstanding contribution under each Millennium Development Goal.

Photo courtesy of @KenyaRedCross


  1. Congratulations to all Winners!!

    Just a correction, its Muthaa Community Development Foundation that scoped 2nd place on MDG 6 and not Othaya.


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