
Saturday, April 20, 2013

Aggrey Otieno and Higher Circle's: Strengthen Mothers, Strengthen Others

Mother's Day is fast approaching us.

But did you know there are nearly 1,000 women around the world who do not live to see it due to preventable pregnancy-related complications? In Korogocho, one of Kenya's biggest slums, 300 woman die annually. 

What can be done, you ask?

Lend a helping hand!

In collaboration with the 2012 Rolex Award laureate and founder of Pambazuko Mashinanito, a Kenyan nonprofit, social entrepreneur Aggrey Otieno aims to raise $3,500 to purchase 10 computers through Higher Circle. These computers will be set up in health facilities and the telemedicine center in Korogocho, and they will:
·  Create and retain patients' records
·  Remind pregnant women of their follow-up visits
·  Track emerging diseases within the community
We will be able to save lives.
As Otieno says, "taking care of a woman is literally taking care of a whole community." We invite you join us so that another woman can celebrate Mother's Day next year. 

Visit us at our website to help put access to healthcare under the fingertips of expectant mothers.

Happy Mother's Day, and if you haven't already, Like us on Facebook and follow us on Twitter!

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