
Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Kibaki is the Most Inspirational Kenyan, Survey

Retired president Mwai Kibaki is the most inspirational Kenyan, this is according to a recent survey conducted by Consumer Insight.

Two percent of those who participated in the survey cited Kibaki's achievements and value system as the root of inspiration.

US president Barrack Obama was polled as the most inspiring with 6.8percent followed by Nobel Prize winner and former South African president Nelson Mandela (4.8percent) and British billionaire Richard Branson with 2.4percent.

Of the 1800 respondents, 33percent said they got their inspiration from their parents.

The other inspirational people in the list included pastors (1.6percent), American innovator and Co-founder of Apple Inc Steve Jobs (1.5percent), the late Nobel laureate Wangari Maathai (1.3percent) and Microsoft founder Bill Gates (1.3percent).

1 comment:

  1. of all people kibaki! not even manu chandaria


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