
Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Michael Christopher Kijana Wamalwa


The flamboyant man who defined Queen’s English in Kenya will always remain in the memories of Kenyans. It didn’t matter if it was the podium or the glare of the media his eloquence won everyone over. Wamalwa was not all talk; he actually was in the front-line in fight for democracy. He was among the Young Turks who pioneered the second liberation of the country, through the party, Forum for the Restoration of Democracy (FORD).
He ventured into politics in the early 70’s and in 1979; he won the Saboti Constituency seat. In the 90’s he joined the other leaders seeking multi-party rule and in 1994, he become the chairperson of Ford Kenya. Wamalwa gave a shot at the presidency in the 1997 General elections but he came a distant fourth. However, five years later he was part of the team of leaders of the National Rainbow Coalition (NARC) who had a landslide victory. He was then appointed as the Vice-president, a position he only held for about a year. Wamalwa died in 23rd August 2003 after multiple health complications.
He was also a fan of the theatrical animated cartoon film, Tom and Jerry. We will always miss your eloquence and devotion to the Country.

Here is one of Wamalwa's Speeches at the Bomas conference

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