
Thursday, March 1, 2012

Megaproject: Lapsset Corridor

Lapsset Corridor

The Lamu Port-South Sudan-Ethiopia-Transport Corridor (Lapsset) is a transport and economic development corridor that on completion will serve the three countries. The project will be launched tomorrow in Lamu town in a celebration marked by three heads of state; President Kibaki, President Silva Kiir and Meles Zenawi. The project will have these:
A port at Manda Bay in Lamu
A 1710km railway line from the port to Juba
An 880km highway
Oil refinery at Bargoni (Kenyan Coast)
A 2240km Oil pipeline
3 Airports (One in Isiolo)
3 resort cities  More
The infrastructural undertaking is estimated to cost 2 trillion Kenyan shillings. The Lamu port is expected to triple the operation of Mombasa on its completion.   

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