
Friday, August 17, 2012

First COMESA Tourism Forum Draft Agenda released

COMESA has organized the Sustainable Tourism Development Forum, to be held on 22-23 August 2012 at the Windsor Golf Hotel and Country Club, Nairobi.
The public-private dialogue, running the theme “Shaping the Future of Tourism in COMESA”, will bring together over 70 regional participants from tourism boards, investment promotion agencies, tourism businesses and development partners.
Here is the agenda for the two-day forum
Day one -22 August 2012
08.30am – 09.00am Registration for the Forum
09.00am – 10.00am Official Opening Ceremony
Opening Remarks:
J        CEO, Kenya Tourist Board
J        Chairman of COMESA Business Council
J        Secretary General, COMESA
Official Opening Statement: Hon Minister of Tourism, Conservation, and Natural Resources, Kenya
10.00am – 10.30am Group Photograph – Coffee Break and Networking Session
10.30am – 11.15am Session 1
Innovative Tourism: Success stories among key business leaders in Africa
Moderator: Mr. Thierry Kalonji, Acting Director, IPPSD, COMESA Secretariat
Keynote Speakers:
J        Mr Tewolde Gebremariam, Group CEO, Ethiopian Airlines
J        Mrs. Rosemary Mugambi, Marketing Manager, Serena Hotel
J        Mr. Josue Cesar, Manager Tourism Product and Visitor Services, Seychelles Tourism Board
11.15am – 12.00am: Session 2
Tourism Sector: Expanding economic opportunities and regional development to impact the global economy
Moderator: Mr. Eric S. Maseko, CEO, Swaziland Tourism Authority (TBC)
J        UN World Tourism Organization, Message of the Secretary General – Read by Prof. Wolfgang H. Thome
J        Ms. Agatha Juma, CEO, Kenya Tourism Federation
J        Mr. Josue Cesar, Manager – Tourism Product and Visitor Services, Seychelles Tourism Board
12.00am – 12.45am: Session 3
The COMESA Sustainable Tourism Development Framework: Basis for Policy and Strategy
J        Mr. Thierry Mutombo, Director of Investment Promotion and Private Sector Development, COMESA
J        Rosette Rugamba, Tourism Expert
12.45 – 14.00 Lunch Break
14.00 – 15.00: Session 3 (continues)
Sustainable Tourism: Prioritizing the tourism industry to ensure corporate and environmental responsibility for community development
Focusing on:
J        Foster collaboration in terms of trans-frontier agreements and resource management
J        Encourage the prioritization of the tourism sector at the national level for economic and social development
J        Improve the collection of tourism data and capturing of statistics
Moderator: Mr. Kahindi Lekalhaile, CEO, Ecotourism Kenya
J        Mr. Gibson Phiri, Deputy General Manager, Garden Groups Hotel
J        Mr. Amon Wekesa, President, UgandaTourism Association
J        Mr. Helen Lubowa, Chief Executive Officer, UCOTA
15.00 – 16.00: Session 3 (continues)
Relaxation of Visa requirements
Focusing on:
J        Creation and implementation of a COMESA single visa
J        Encourage country immigration authorities develop an appropriate framework to facilitate adoption of single tourist visa for the region
J        Integrate flexibilities in immigration requirements to allow visa requirements for extensions of legitimate activities
Moderator: Ms. Rosette Rugamba, Tourism Expert
J        Mr. Simba Mandinyenya, Director, Research, Planning and Development- RETOSA
J        Kenya Ministry of Immigration (TBC)
J        Prof. Wolfgang H. Thome, Eastern Africa, and Indian Ocean Islands Correspondent, eTurboNews Inc
16.00 – 16.15 Coffee Break
16.15 – 17.15: Session 3 (continues)
Coalition in the Tourism Industry: Regional Cooperation amongst players in the tourism sector
Moderator: Ms. Lucy Karume, Chairperson, Kenya Tourism Federation (TBC)
J        Mr. Francis Ngwenya, Vice President (Hospitality), Zimbabwe Tourism Council
J        Mr. Shadrack Mashauri, Principal Tourism Officer, EAC Secretariat
J        Ms. Rosemary Mugambi, Marketing Manager, Serena Group of Hotels
J        Ms. Waturi Matu, Coordinator, East African Tourism Platform (TBC)
End of Day one
Day two: 23 August 2012
08.30 – 09.30: Session 3 (continues)
Tourism and Climate Change: Conserving biodiversity for tourism development
Focusing on:
J        Involving the private sector in the formulation of tourism regulations, industry and policy frameworks at the national and regional levels
J        Consider tourism sectors response to climate change
J        Enhance the development of ecotourism at the national and regional levels
Moderator: Dr. Amany Asfour, Board Member, COMESA Business Council
J        Mr. Jamil Butt, Tourism Ambassador toZambia, Seychelles.
J        Mr. Edwin Sebuhoro- CEO, Eco-tours Rwanda
J        Mr. Charles Arden Clarke, Global Partnership for Sustainable Tourism (TBC)
J        Mr. George Manyara, Tourism Office, IGAD (TBC)
09.30 – 10.30: Session 3 (continues)
Upgrading the tourism industry standards and developing human and institutional capacities
Focusing on:
J        Conduct and initiate relevant research, which is regional in scope, on the impact of the tourism industry on natural and socio-cultural environments
J        Provide necessary training and technical support to members countries to enable them to meet necessary standards, as well astraining for regional and international
J        Implement appropriate policies to ensure skills transfer and provisions for a skilled regional labour force
Moderator: Dr. Amany Asfour, Board Member, COMESA Business Council
J        Dr. Nsengimana Hemogene, SecretaryGeneral, Africa Standardization Organization
J        Mr. Jeffreys Manjengwa, Zimbabwe Tourism Board
J        Dr. Kenneth Ombongi, Principal, Utalii College (TBC)
10.30 – 10.45 – Networking Coffee Break
10.45 – 11.45: Session 3 (continues)
Tourism and Infrastructure Development: Information and Communications Technology (ICT) and Air Transport
Focusing on:
J        Develop e-tourism policies and strategies both at the national and regional levels
J        Encourage Member states to develop ICT infrastructure to facilitate the tourism sector in the region
J        Consider the challenges affecting the air transport industry and way forward
J        Promote interconnectivity in air transport for tourism development in the region, taking consideration the responsibility of governments and air service providers
Moderator: TBA
J        Mr. Damien Cook, Director, Managing Director, E- Tourism Frontiers Limited
J        Mr. Tewolde, Gebre Mariam, CEO, Ethiopia Airlines
11.45 – 12.45: Session 3 (continues)
Tourism Product Development and Marketing
Focusing on:
J        Branding COMESA as a single destination;
J        Creating innovative products that are competitive
J        Developing affordable trans-frontier and regional tourism packages
Moderator: TBA
J        Ms. Doris Kofi,Zambia Tourism Board
J        Mr. Fred Okeyo, Regional Marketing Manager, Kenya Tourist Board (TBC)
12.45 – 14.00 Lunch Break
14.00 – 15.00:
Formation of the CBC tourism workgroup
Introduction by Ms. Sandra Uwera, Coordinator, COMESA Business Council
Consideration of the recommendations of the forum
Closing remarks
End of the Forum
Adapted from: Wolfganghthome’s Blog 

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